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混口饭吃而已 -
  • 类别:其它剧 | 年份: 2017 | 更新时间: 2020-02-12

Brand spanking new comedy! Familiar real-life scenarios with
Brand spanking new comedy! Familiar real-life scenarios with hilarious caricature, “Hear My Thoughts” brings to attention the bottled-up sentiments of people at their workplace. All 40 clips will brighten your day! 40集的幽默短片《混口饭吃而已》,以逗趣的方式叙述各行各业的酸甜苦辣!打工仔的内心喊话及苦衷——只有自己最清楚,真相也绝非你所能想象!演员阵容包括:田铭耀、鐘琴、王智荟、胡佳嬑、坤华、罗翊绮及林茜茜,还有客串嘉宾周崇庆、权怡凤、朱厚任等。每星期四至日推出全新一集,陪你度过开心周末!


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